Sunday, October 9, 2011

So much to do...

So to go with my wish list of trips... I REALLY need to sign up for classes and go talk to the advisor and get everything cleared. As of right now, I'm throwing caution to the wind with "no more than one class per professor". I'm taking 4 (maybe 5) classes for my major, I need to do things that interest me. If two classes are taught by the same, hopefully qualified and not boring, professor, I'm okay with it. I'm looking into having 3 classes on A day and 2 on B. Which means this is my first semester since Spring '10 that I'll have Friday classes, but I'll be on a boat so who cares. I'm trying to take:
Day A:
Chemester at Sea (love the name of the class, love that I'll have to snorkel and hike volcanoes for credit...)
          DISCLAIMER: If you know me, you know that I LOVE my sleep but I hate wasting days. And although this voyage of SAS is going West-East, and therefore losing an hour of sleep every couple of days, it'll keep me on my toes. When we make port, we can get off the ship at 0800. If I'm only going to be in each country for a maximum of 5 days, sometimes only 12 hours, I'm not sleeping. Ever. When I come back as more of an insomniac than now, maybe I can quadruple up on courses here and graduate early (hah. like that'll happen.)
Global Studies (the course that everyone's required to take.)
International Law and Conflict 

Day B:
Ethics and Human Rights in World Politics (Same prof as int'l law and conflict)
Conversational Spanish (If I can get credit for it... probably won't happen. Fingers crossed, would be done with the minor!)
And FINALLY! If Spanish doesn't work out:
West Meets East - Imperialism from Columbus to Coca-Cola

I'm also feeling really overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I have to do. Like... omg I have to get 023480251034141089 shots. I DON'T do needles. And all the shots we need have mild side-effects. Yellow Fever can give me a fever, headaches, nausea, muscle aches, pain and swelling... great. I'll need Rabies and Malaria shots too, not to mention the fact I have to bring an entire drug store with me. For those who know me well, they know I'm not one to be too picky about what I look like most of the time but I'm drawing the line at running out of shampoo and buying some in some random country. There are just a few things I'd like to maintain from home. I also need to go shopping but I think I have MORE than enough clothes. Actually have no idea how I'm going to cut down my collection of 200 tshirts down to 14. I'm a chronic over packer but I guess this is what the trip is supposed to do... help me get over some of that. Kiss my makeup and wedges goodbye, I'll have an excuse to look like a bum 24/7 :)

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