One girl. Eleven countries. One Hundred Five Days. Five Hundred Classmates. Priceless life lessons. "Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes"
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
They never said it would be easy...
Here we are. It's the one month mark. I've been off the ship for exactly a month, disembarking and seeing my parents approximately this time on May 2nd. And I can't believe it's been that long. I've found myself holding solace in memories, looking through pictures but ONLY through Ghana because that's when it all got real.
So how do we go about this? Do we get some sort of chip, a "one month free from the best time of our lives?" Something to physically tether us back to the ship, something that we all have to rely on as the days, months, *gulp* years, and inevitably, and terribly, decades roll by?
How did I get here? Sitting in clothes that I haven't had for the past four months, attempting to type up more life lessons that I've learned on this trip. But it's hard. I try more foods. I've stopped a dozen times to help lost tourists on the streets of New York. I've learned to go with the flow and deal with things as they come.
But I'm sick of the stupid cliches. "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." The trip of a lifetime was great but now what? My closest friends are scattered to the farthest ends of the country. If I could drop everything and go back to the wine on the Great Wall, I'd be ecstatic. Absence does make the heart grow fonder, but heavier. Not a day goes by where I don't think about it, my friends, the ship, how much I wish I was getting rocked to bed. My sleeping pattern has (almost) finally regulated. I can shower when it's raining and not worry about getting slammed into the wall. It's also rained more than it did in my journey lumped together. I think it's just the combined tears of every past SASer falling from the sky at once.
Reminiscing is the best medicine. I met C the other day for Chipotle (I've had more Chipotle in the past month than we had BBQ days on the ship...) and while people watching on the steps of St. Barts, it was clear. SAS wins. Real life loses. Now that we've all admitted it, can't we go back?
Sunday, May 6, 2012
"How this Feels" by Bailey Gerber
This is a blogpost written by a fellow S12er who, I can wholeheartedly say, speaks for all of us. She brings the words that I've stuttered over time and time again.
How This Feels
There is a Singapore rail pass, a receipt from a Vietnamese dressmaker, and a Kingfisher bottle cap on the bottom of my purse. I have been to Dominica, Brazil, Ghana, South Africa, Mauritius, India, Singapore, Vietnam, China and Japan. My trusty anti-theft money belt is now the home of rupees, rand, cedi, reals, dong, yuan, and yen… and I don't plan on cleaning it out anytime soon. I have done more and seen more than most people will in their entire lives. This is how it feels to have a dream come true.
Where I used to see shapes on a map I now see people; beggars, politicians, drug dealers, philanthropist, thieves, travelers, parents, children and in many countries, angels. Everyday I have seen the best and worst that humanity has to offer. I have been ripped off, misguided, threatened, spit on and cursed out more times than I can count. I have also been brought to tears by the generosity of a complete stranger. We have all had to trust, especially in the taxi, tuk tuk, tro tro, rickshaw, and moto drivers- but above all, we have had to trust each other. We have experienced each other's good, bad and ugly, like really ugly…like day five of the Amazon ugly. Though we were strangers three months ago, we have shared moments of intense fear, hopelessness, bliss and inexpressible gratitude. We have supported each other through meltdowns, travel group drama and of course- missed FDPs. We have watched each other come of age, overcome fears and forge new identities…sometimes in the form of a nose ring or a panda hat.
I have gained an extreme amount of weight- or as I like to see it now- I have gained baby weight of my cultural and intellectual rebirth. But really – it's not like I was going to skip the Nan in India, the pho in Vietnam or the fan ice in Ghana (or the birthday cake on deck five). Although I won't miss the pasta and potatoes, I will always long for one more long dinner on deck 5. This ship must be the only place on earth where five college kids can have a three-hour dinner without being interrupted by text messages or Facebook notifications. Those long dinners will forever be among my most precious memories. Whether we were planning our weddings or trying to process India, I always felt most at home during dinnertime. May we always remember the freedom of being unplugged and out of touch and the magic of living in the moment with the people sitting around us.
I finally have the lingo down. I use words like deck, swell, port, berth, tymitz, green sheet, and quarantine. I know that breakfast means deck 6 and dinner means deck 5, unless it's inedible then its up to deck 7. I no longer worry about the pub night schedule or whether or not my clothes match when I run to global studies. I still don't know the last names of the majority of my friends - even though I can probably name their school, major, hometown and how they handle stressful situations. Like all SAS kids, I too have spent my fair share of time wondering if the peanut butter is actually soy butter or if the mythical stabilizers are out. I tell time by ports, using phrases like "We became friends after Ghana" or "I haven't been to the gym since Singapore." Even though I know there are 367 days in our SAS year, I haven't actually known the day of the week since we left the Bahamas. My closet is now an eclectic showcase of all the latest trends in tourist couture- I realize as I am writing this I am wearing pants from India, a shirt from China and bracelet from Brazil. I can't wait until I accidently pull out a Rand to pay for a cup of coffee or find a Family Mart receipt for five Japanese Strongs in my coat pocket.
Though I will miss this ship- the garden lounge, the union and the cove. It's the people I will miss the most. I can't imagine life without the eggrolls, the SASholes, the shipsters, the pastels, Mizaram, Nalbach, Takada and of course the amazing crew- especially Achilles. I can already hear Stuart's voice in the back of my head before all major life events… "Graduation tomorrow- Graduation tomorrow."
It is funny to look back now- at photos of our old selves, before our dreams came true and the world changed us. You never forget the first person you met- hi ace! We looked so put-together, wondering the ship with our nametags on… now we look like day three of a Grateful Dead festival. However you describe it- backpacker chic, pirate swag - this scraggily bunch of college kids is now a force to be reckoned with …and I am proud to be among them.
As emerald shellbacks we have gone on safari in Africa, tried yoga in India, and enjoyed a few drinks in Mauritius. We have accidently hung out at a prostitute bar in Ghana and caused a 300% revenue increase for that 7/11 in Hong Kong (the same goes for the Krazy Koconut in Dominica and Captain's in Shanghai). We understand the frustration of being lost in a cruise ship terminal, a subway station and of course, Makola market. We have built houses, fed the hungry, meditated with monks and stood breathless as we visited 3 of the 7 wonders of the world. We now know that no public restroom in the US could ever match the horror of an Indian squatter… and we always know – no matter where we go, there will always be Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pitbull on the radio, and convenient store liquor. We have survived Brazilian rum, Ghanaian gin, South African wine, Vietnamese beer, and Japanese sake…and we have the stories to prove it. We will never forget the theme songs: "I Love my Life" in Dominica, "TIA" in Ghana, "Waka Waka" in Cape Town- and if you traveled with me in India, you will never forget dancing on the bus to "Chaiyya Chaiyya."
We are professionals now. We have learned the tricks of travel and how to walk with absolute confidence-- no matter how lost we actually are. We have slept with out wallets, tied ourselves to our backpacks and carried index cards with "please take me to my hotel" written in various languages. We know now it's best not to admit it is your first day in a country, especially when bargaining. We are now masters at the "walk away" technique and know that if the shopkeeper is happy- we definitely paid too much. We can spot a fake swatch or Prada bag from a mile away and all the while we wonder if the Tom's in Africa are fake or stolen. Red flags shoot up every time we hear phrases like "I give you good price", "Come meet my friend" or "Here brother, sister- have a look." We now know that asking about people's children and hobbies is the fastest way to drive down a price (and turn a greedy shopkeeper into an honest friend).
We have learned the importance of pronouncing people's names correctly and even more importantly learning the words "please and thank you" in every language. We have mastered the art of the discrete picture taking, whether we were trying to capture the serenity of a monk or the desperation of a child, we have captured moments that exist beyond description. Even if we took 1,000 photos- images can't convey the smells, tastes and sounds that made each moment real- and maybe now we realize that the magic really begins when we stop experiencing life from behind the lens and fully immerse ourselves in the moment.
We could have done a million other things this semester- stayed at home, studied in one country… but we didn't. At this exact moment in time we came together- to learn and grow and to forever be the kids of Spring 12. Although we were a special breed before the MV (lets be honest- it takes a special person to drop everything and sail around the world with complete strangers…without any real plans)- now we are just bizarre. We lived on a cruise ship. We sailed around the world. We went to a university that had a gangway and a pool deck. We must be the only people on Earth who had classes canceled so we could cross the equator or watch our friends in a synchronized swimming competition. Our lives are epic and we are epic… and I know it is just the beginning.
Although we are a pretty confident bunch, we still have our fears. Fears like getting off the ship, losing touch, or getting that first text message. We worry that we will be strangers to our family and friends and that no one will ever understand us again. We will lie awake at night wondering what we will do with our lives to top this experience or how to make this semester count. Deep down we all really have one fear- that we haven't changed, that we haven't grown enough and that we will settle back into our old ways of being. We will walk off the gangway in San Diego wondering: "now how do I make this the beginning not the pinnacle?" It seems daunting now, figuring out a way to make our new selves function in our old lives- and not bark at our friends when they complain about traffic, class or being hungry. After Ghana, I will never complain about having to read for class again. I get now how lucky I am just to be able to.
As alum, we will be a hard bunch to overwhelm, to scare or discourage. After waking up to a tarantula in Brazil or walking through a row of beggars in India, nothing really fazes us now. Things that once seemed "difficult" months ago are no longer remotely intimidating. We did this… now we can do anything.
Although we may be unfazed, may we never be "unimpressed." May we always be delighted by the wonders of world and find magic in every place and person- not just in the monuments or celebrities- but in everywhere we go. May we always see the world though these eyes- the eyes of youth and hope. May we stay optimistic and stay positive… and may we always stay a little naïve-for no other reason besides being young rocks. May we remember the things we said we would do- the people we promised we would help… and may we never forget the moments when we felt anything was possible….may we always remember the person we wanted to become. May we always see the world as an opportunity and a challenge- and may we wake up every morning ready to conquer it.
So as the moments slip away and we try to pack the last three months into two suitcases… may we smile bigger, breath deeper and soak it all in. However you want to say it- You Only Live Once, Love Life, Capre Diem, or Life is short… do it big and do it now… because this is all we have and we are the luckiest people alive. Of course we are lucky because we just sailed around the world and had 1,000 eye-opening experiences, but the luckiest because we have each other… and may we always have each other.
Bailey Gerber
April 2012
IʼM NOT THE SAME. By Natalie Lou Ritter
a poem written by a former SASer that, again, sums up all my feelings.
IʼM NOT THE SAME. By Natalie Lou Ritter
Forgive me, Mom,
Iʼm Not the Same
I think you knew that I would change
I couldnʼt stay so long at sea And not come home a different me.
Iʼve been to the Mekong; the Amazon, too
The things that Iʼve done: if only you knew.
Iʼve paraglided in the Andes Mountains
Said a prayer at Hiroshima fountains
Iʼve jumped off of cliffs down river gorges
And from the Ganges saw burning corpses
Iʼve seen the Taj; Climbed the Great Wall
Iʼve Jumped Out of Planes; Iʼve done it All
Climbed to the Golden Rock in Myanmar
I Donʼt think I ever have climbed that far.
Monasteries, Pagodas, Temples and Shrines
Horseback riding in Stellenbosch; sampling wines
I dove with sharks and jumped off a bridge
I Forced Myself to Really Live.
Sure, All these things can be relayed
In the photo albums thatʼll be displayed
But to convey all this will be demanding—
Experience is Nothing Without Understanding.
So Forgive me, Mom, if I Start To Cry
For all of the things I really canʼt describe:
Walking next to dead bodies in the road
Not reaching out to a childʼs hand to hold.
The people in poverty and those afraid to speak
For fear if they do, theyʼll be in jail the next week
Because their government has such a watchful eye.
All the people with AIDs , getting ready to die.
The beggars in India who walk on their hands
Because theyʼre diseased and unable to stand
And the people in shacks who sleep inches apart
Offer only a smile and it rips out my heart
Iʼve seen beauty and devastation Iʼve felt sorrow;
Iʼve felt elation Iʼve seen birth and Iʼve felt death;
Forgive me, Mom, but what is left?
So if you could, Mom, just give me time
When I come home, let me unwind I need a moment to just. Stand. Still.
Please understand (Iʼm sure you will)
I couldnʼt stay so long at sea
And not come home a different me
So long as I change, the world changes, too
But be proud, Mom, because I came from you.
Final Thoughts
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Japan in less than 30 bullet points
First day:
- got off the ship & explored Kobe
- found a Kobe beef Hibachi restaurant
- slept
Second day:
- Hiroshima
- came back late
- Osaka
- couldn't find a hotel
- Stayed in a 5 star hotel in accident
- went out to a British pub
Third day:
- bullet train to Tokyo
- trekked around Tokyo
- Yomiuri Giants baseball game
- Passed out at the hotel
Fourth day:
- Tokyo disneysea!
- Karaoke bar with the Liverpool-ians
Fifth day:
- Slept late
- pouring rain
- Harajuku
- barely made it to the ship
- jazz band played "When you Wish upon a star" the whole time we got on
- posed in Kimonos
- got my name written in Japanese
Vietnam and Cambodia
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Arbitrary Time
More to come soon- classes kicking my butt.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Where in the world am I?
Distance to go: 2982 nautical miles
Monday, April 9, 2012
1. Independence --> over throw of government
I. In 1863, King Norodom signed an agreement with the French to establish a protectorate over his kingdom; eventual colonialism
II. On 9 March 1945, during the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, King Norodom Sihanouk proclaimed an independent Kingdom of Kampuchea but Japan maintained a Consulate in Phnom Penh
III. After Allied military units entered Cambodia, the Japanese military forces present in the country were disarmed and repatriated. The French were able to re-impose the colonial administration in Phnom Penh in October the same year.
IV. A partial independence agreement was struck in October 1953. Sihanouk then declared that independence had been achieved and returned in triumph to Phnom Penh.
V. Cambodia remained neutral throughout the 1950s and 1960s, letting North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong utilize its land for bases.
VI. In 1969, the US began a 14 month long bombing plan to destabalzie. These raids took place about 20 miles within the Cambodian borders in an area that had already been evacuated by the NVA
VII. Prince Sihanouk did not want the US to utilize its air bases and air space due to his attempt to keep Cambodia neutral as the Khmer Rouge began to gain power.
VIII. General Lon Nol, and a right government, won the 1966 elections which lasted until 1967 and again in 1969.
IX. Prince Sihanouk went abroad for medical reasons in January 1970.
2. History of the Khmer Rouge Policies
I. Khmer Rouge was the name for the group given to the Communist Party of Kampuchea
II. The Khmer Rouge tried to institute social reforms that aimed to create a purely uneducated and agrarian-based society
III. Khmer Rouge policies firmly against capitalism àCommunist influence from immigrants from China
IV. Hostility towards religion and education
V. Forced Labor
3. 1979-Present
I. In response to the KR beginning to push into Vietnam, Vietnam overthrew the KR
II. The People's Republic of Kampuchea was established however it was a coalition of 3 groups (ex prince, ex prime minister, and the KR) that was still recognized internationally as the legitimate state party regardless of Vietnam's intervention and the clear evidence of genocide (the Coalition Government of the Democratic Kamp)
III. 1980s à civil war
IV. 89 & 91 à 2 international peace conferences in Paris… which were accompanied by a UN peace keeping mission
V. in 1993 prince was reestablished as the king of Cambodia
VI. Coup in 1997 led by communist leader Hun Sen
VII. Sen is opposed to trials of former KR and this is probably due to the fact that many of them hold high ranking positions in his government
VIII. But in 1998 held elections, which were followed by greater stability and less KR
IX. It took the country a long time to begin to recover bc they killed off all the doctors, educated people, etc
4. Centers/Torture/Life Today
I. Life in Cambodia today
A. Cambodia still facing very evident impacts from the Khmer Rouge's 4-yr reign till this day
II. biggest issue in Cambodia today is the psychological impact caused under Pol Pot's reign
III. Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum - also know as S-21 in Phnom Penh
A. Bussed there, forced to "confess" to crimes not actually committed
IV. Documentation Center of Cambodia
V. Virtual Tribunal Project at University of California-Berkeley
VI. National Archives of Cambodia and the Legal Document's Center
5. Introduction to the ECCC:
I. Cambodian government request, UN backed, hybrid court
II. Established in 2001, lack of funds, support from international community
6. Structure of the court:
I. Three chambers, 30 Cambodian and International judges
II. Co-investigating judges and co-prosecutors
7. History of ECCC
I. Overview of progress
II. Challenges facing the court, health and age of perpetrators
III. Updates on cases 001-004
8. Cases 001 / 002
I. 001:
A. Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, the former Chairman of the Khmer Rouge S-21 Security Center in Phnom Penh
1. Sentenced to 35 years
2. Appealed
3. Resentenced to life
4. Charges
5. Charges
II. 002
A. Nuon Chea, aged 84, former Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea;
B. Ieng Sary, aged 85, former Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs;
C. Khieu Samphan, aged 79, former Head of State
D. Ieng Thirith, aged 78, former Minister of Social Affairs
E. Problems: incontinence, age, dementia
1. Can you try them? valid witnesses?
2. Does their age justify leaving the court
III. 003 / 004
A. Not being prosecuted, dropped
IV. Current probs
A. Money
B. Government
C. Illness
D. UN doing anything?
E. Kofi and Moon? Passive.
F. Two months between
G. Corrupt judges
H. Fixing the problems now!!